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EPD in ISO22057 format – Pilot

Machin readable EPDs in accordance with EN15804 A2, for Construction materials will be available in ISO22057 format.

This is a pilot project, still under development!

ISO 22057:2022; Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works — Data templates for the use of environmental product declarations
(EPDs) for construction products in building information modelling (BIM)


Download ALL ISO22057 (.json)

FAQ for EPD in ISO 22057 format

What is the connection between EPD and BIM?

The full name of EN ISO 22057 is "Data templates for the use of environmental product declarations (EPDs) for construction products in building information modelling (BIM)". When the building model includes the product information at the PDT-structure this means that also the machine readable EPD information according to EN ISO 22057 is available. Having both the amount or mass of the product and the environmental information, the lca-calculation can be carried out automatically and can be used to find the most lca-efficient solutions.

Why do we need EN ISO 22057?

Digital transition is a prerequisite for the green transition, and EN ISO 22057 is based on the same standardized structure as other product properties wich makes the EPD-information not only machine readable, but also machine interpretable.

When product information, databases and tools using such data are based on the same standardized structures, the information exchange and use of this information will be able with much less manual processes than today since the systems are using the same "digital language".

What is EN ISO 22057?

EN ISO 22057 is a new European and international standard that simplified can be described as the Data Template for the group of properties based on EPDs in a complete Product Data Template (PDT).

A PDT is a data structure defining the properties for a product according to standardized structures and methodology and is the basis for a common digital language that's required for digital transition of the construction sector.

For more information, read this (in Norwegian): 

Can I digitize my EPDs?

In principle, all EPDs already approved and published by EPD-Norge can be digitized. Contact EPD-Norge for more information. 

What about EPDs according to EN15804 A2?

EPD-Norge is developing and implementing digital format in accordance with EN15804 A2 through EPD-Norge Digi and EPD2Digi Creator. We expect that published EN15804 A2 EPDs will be ready to be digitalized from end of march 2022.

Browse EPDs in ISO 22057 format

Name NEPD num Owner Verifier Lang www Approval date Expire date Data
Protan SE 1.5 Roof Waterproofing Membrane NEPD-1699-688-EN Protan AS Anne Rønning www 2019-01-25 2024-01-25
Protan SE 1.6 Takbelegg NEPD-5292-4622-NO Protan AS Elisabet Amat no www 2023-11-02 2028-11-02
Pukk, produsert ved avd Gullkista, Sortland. NEPD-3917-2876-NO Gunnar Holth Grusforretning AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2022-11-17 2027-11-17
Protan EX 1,6 Roofing membrane NEPD-2051-921-EN Protan AS Anne Rønning www 2020-02-11 2025-02-11
Naturgrus, produsert ved avd Hagen - Vesterhaug, Elverum. NEPD-3915-2879-NO Gunnar Holth Grusforretning AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2022-11-17 2027-11-17
Naturgrus og Sand produsert ved avd Laugslet, Indre Østfold. NEPD-3918-2875-NO Gunnar Holth Grusforretning AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2022-11-17 2027-11-17
Pukk, produsert ved Rudshøgda Pukkverk, Ringsaker. NEPD-3905-2864-NO Rudshøgda Pukkverk AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2022-11-17 2027-11-17
Protan Tunnelduk NEPD-2478-1224-NO Protan AS Anne Rønning www 2020-10-28 2025-10-28
Rapidcement CEM I 52,5 R NEPD-2205-1014-NO SCHWENK Sverige AB Martin Erlandsson no www 2020-05-19 2025-05-19
Miljöcement CEM II/B-S 52,5 N NEPD-2206-1013-NO SCHWENK Sverige AB Martin Erlandsson no www 2020-05-19 2025-05-19
SCHWENK Rapidsement, Cem I 52,5 R (ft) NEPD-4144-3354-NO SCHWENK Norge AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2023-01-18 2026-01-18
SCHWENK Miljøsement, Cem II/B-S 52,5 N NEPD-4143-3353-NO SCHWENK Norge AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2023-01-18 2026-01-18
SCHWENK Lavvarmesement, Cem III/B 42,5 L-LH/SR (na) NEPD-2209-995-NO SCHWENK Norge AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2020-05-19 2025-05-19
Kaldformet hulprofil NEPD-2339-1075-NO Norsk Stål AS Fredrik Moltu Johnsen www 2020-08-28 2025-08-28
Stangstål NEPD-2521-1259 Norsk Stål AS Fredrik Moltu Johnsen www 2020-11-09 2025-11-09
Kaldformet Hulprofil NEPD-2525-1263 Norsk Stål AS Fredrik Moltu Johnsen www 2020-11-09 2025-11-09
Kaldvalsede plater og coils i rustfritt stål NEPD-2524-1264 Norsk Stål AS Fredrik Moltu Johnsen www 2020-11-09 2025-11-09
Isola Sveiseoverlag NEPD-2586-1313-EN Isola AS Elisabet Amat en www 2020-12-15 2025-12-15
Mestertekk Kombi NEPD-2506-1245 Isola AS Elisabet Amat en www 2020-11-10 2025-11-10
Isola Kraftunderlag NEPD-2595-1316-EN Isola AS Elisabet Amat en www 2021-01-25 2026-01-25
Isola Mestertekk NEPD-2506-1245 Isola AS Elisabet Amat en www 2021-01-25 2026-01-25
Kamstål til bruk i betong NEPD-2676-1376-NO Norsk Stål AS Fredrik Moltu Johnsen www 2021-02-08 2026-02-08
Naturgrus, produsert ved avd Grasmo, Eidskog. NEPD-3920-2867-NO Gunnar Holth Grusforretning AS Martin Erlandsson no www 2022-11-17 2027-11-17
PDM Diagonal Ties NEPD-3963-3000-EN Pretec Norge AS Alexander Borg en www 2022-11-30 2027-11-30
Pukk, produsert ved Sørli Massetak, Stange. NEPD-3914-2873-NO Hamar Pukk og Grus AS Martin Erlandsson no 2022-11-17 2027-11-17